How to Kick Cellulite to the Curb


Are you carrying around cellulite? With more than 95% of women around the world reporting to have it, it’s safe to say you are not alone. The dreaded orange peel may be difficult to treat but the key is understanding what is and what you can do to finally kick it to the curb!

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is made up of fat deposits just below the skin that form due to the breakdown of the collagen fibers that keep your skin nice and tight. Over time, the build-up, combined with the aging process, causes a lumpy effect in the abdomen and lower pelvic area (such as thighs and buttocks). There are four different forms of cellulite, according to dermatologist Dr. Ariel Haus. ‘Adipose cellulite is the firm cellulite, orange peel effect on loose skin,’ says Haus. ‘Oedematous cellulite is fluid retention, soft cellulite often on loose skin. And fibrotic cellulite is hard, compact cellulite with orange peel effect.’

They can also be broken up into four different grades:

Grade 1: No visible cellulite, even if the skin is pinched.

Grade 2: No visible cellulite when laying down or standing. An orange peel texture can be seen when the skin is pinched.

Grade 3: Cellulite is visible when standing, but may disappear when lying down.

Grade 4: Visible cellulite when standing and lying down.


The first step in preventing or kicking cellulite to the curb is to start paying attention to what you are putting into your body. Start by cutting out refined sugars, dairy, and any processed foods that contain high amounts of additives and chemicals. Instead, introduce the following into your diet:

Cilantro- this detoxifies the body by removing heavy metals that can hide in fat cells.

Grapefruit- builds up your skin’s collagen, making it plumper and lessening the appearance of cellulite. It also gives your metabolism a major boost in burning fat.

Nuts- Omega-3 fatty acids build up the skin cell membrane and help it to hold on to healthy elements while eliminating toxins.

Water with Lemon- the water hydrates your body and helps to flush out toxins. The lemon provides the vitamin C that will leave your skin looking supple and hydrated.


Exercise is the most important step to prevent cellulite but there’s no way to spot-treat it. According to personal trainer Ariane Hundt, you should aim to burn body fat. This can be done through interval training, lunges, sit-ups, and squats.

If you’re on the go and have a hard time fitting in exercise, here is a quick 5 minute workout to help you out.


There are many serums on the market that claim to be the saving grace for cellulite but in the end, most of these products will leave you with little to no results. Before you make any purchases, Dr. Haus suggesting looking for products with Centella Asiastica, which “restores the macromolecules that give the skin elasticity”, Ginkgo Biloba, an antioxidant, strengthens veins to increase circulation, and methyl nicotinate to drain your tissue from toxins. The best time for application is after a workout when your blood is circulating the most and can absorb the product much quicker.

You can also start using a dry brush. According to Ann Louise Gittleman, author of “The Fat Flush Fitness Plan”, dry brushing two to five times a week will not only eliminate cellulite, but also aid in the removal of toxins and promote toned, smooth skin.


There are a number of treatments that we offer at SkinSpaMED that can aid in the appearance of cellulite.

Venus Freeze®: Cellulite and Circumference Reduction is a non-invasive treatment that combines radio frequency and magnetic pulses with a technology called (MP)² to efficaciously reduce circumference, improve cellulite, tighten skin, and reduce wrinkles.

Another great option is the Z-Wave treatment, which uses Radio Pulse Therapy (RPT) to break up the cellulite while also strengthening connective tissue.

To schedule your appointment, or to learn more about how Venus Freeze®: Cellulite and Circumference Reduction can help you, visit the SkinSpaMED website or call our Dallas spa at (972) 392-3895, or Colleyville at (817) 281-8181.