Rid Acne Scars With the SmartXide DOT CO2

SmartXide DOT CO2 works by causing controlled micro-injury to the skin, and the magic happens during the repair process. Instead of completely destroying the surface of the skin like older laser therapy did, it’s more like a pixelated-type of destruction.

In making tiny micro-thermal zones, the areas then stimulate new collagen production. DOT Therapy with the SmartXide DOT CO2 laser offers the ultimate in skin rejuvenation in just under an hour for most treatments. Not only does the DOT offer amazing results, but also it does so safely and quickly with little downtime.

Here is everything you need to know before deciding on a SmartXide DOT CO2 laser treatment:

What is SmartXide DOT CO2 laser treatment? 

DOT CO2 laser resurfacing is a procedure utilized to improve and repair sun damaged skin, wrinkles, acne scars and surgical scars. The CO2 laser emits an intense beam of light that removes the damaged skin allowing healthy new skin to grow in its place. The beam itself is split into hundreds of tiny beams instead of being a solid column of light. 

How is this different from traditional CO2 laser resurfacing? 

Although it uses the same carbon dioxide gas as a medium and thus has the same wavelength, the beam is fractionated into hundreds of tiny pixels.  This allows “skip areas” of normal skin which makes the skin heal much more rapidly and with very little risk of scarring, infection or pigment changes that were seen with traditional CO2 lasers.

What should I expect after laser surgery? 

CO2 laser resurfacing causes the skin to become pink and there is some peeling for 4-7 days afterwards. SkinSpaMED will estimate the time for you more exactly because it depends on the lasers settings used that day, which is based on the amount of skin repair needed.

In general, the deeper the treatment, the longer it takes to heal.

If you are having a maintenance treatment expect 3-4 days of down time: Thursday-Sunday, back at work on Monday with makeup.

You could remain pink for 2-4 weeks after the treatment. This can be covered with make-up. 

Is it painful? 

There is usually minimal discomfort because we apply an anesthetic cream 1 hour before the procedure

It may feel like a light sunburn for an hour or two after your treatment, but cold packs may be used to cool the skin and reduce post-procedure swelling.

Can I exercise after my CO2 laser? 

Not for the first week after your CO2. Normal activity and walking is okay.  It is important to avoid vigorous activity/ heat exposure because it may make you more puffy or red.  If resuming exercise outdoors after the first week, you must double sunscreen the areas that were treated with the CO2.

Who should NOT have CO2 laser treatments? 

You shouldn’t have laser treatments if you are pregnant, have been on Accutane in the past 6 months, have a history of difficulty healing or keloid scars, or are on Prednisone.