A Guide to Face Scrubs


 I often post various face scrub recipes on my twitter. I’m obsessed, and strongly believe it really takes your skin to the next level and will help the skin to look and feel healthy by getting rid of dirt and giving a much brighter and radiant complexion.

Face scrubs exfoliate the skin and work by removing blackheads and dead skin.

The outer layer of skin goes through a lot of abuse. The regular use of a face scrub helps remove dead skin and brings new skin to the surface.

Start with a Cleanser

Use a cleanser daily, obviously, as it gets rid of dirt and bacteria from the skin. However, a cleanser will not remove all the impurities - we need a face scrub to give a more deep and thorough cleanse. As we age, our skin cell turnover cycle slows down. Exfoliating with a face scrub increases the cell turnover rate and allows better blood flow – result – much younger looking skin.

How Often?

People often make the mistake of not knowing how often to use a facial scrub product. It is recommended to do so about two to three times a week depending on skin type and condition. People with oily skin, for example, can get away with using a face scrub two to three times a week where people with dry skin should probably exfoliate only once a week.

Excessive use will actually harm the skin rather than improve it.

Signs You’re Using Too Much:

  • Shiny skin

  • Puffiness

  • Breakouts

  • Dry and tight skin, or skin tries to overcompensate and becomes noticeably more oily than usual

Signs You Need More:

  • Skin looks dull and feels dry to the touch

  • Skin care products are no longer working

  • Quick Test: put a piece of clear tape on your forearm and rub in for 2-3 seconds. Peel it off and if you see flaked off skin it’s time to exfoliate.

How to Use

The way to optimize its effect is to first wash the face with a cleanser and then apply face scrub.

When applying, gently rub the product in a circular motion on the forehead and nose area.

Applying it in this method will help remove the dead skin on the surface and will help get rid of blackheads and even out rough skin. For better results you may wish to steam your face. This will open up the pores and allow the ingredients to fully penetrate much deeper into the skin.

Leave the product on your face for at least a few minutes then wash it off with warm water and apply your preferred moisturizer. If you regularly do this, your skin will look and feel much smoother and it will have a healthy glow.