Korean Skincare Part I: Morning Routine

Korean Skincare Part I: Morning Routine

Over the years, I have become more and more fascinated by the growth and popularity of Korean culture- especially in regards to their skincare. With their extensive routines and wide range of products, it’s easy to feel lost and unsure on how to adopt these practices as our own.

Thankfully, Vicky Lee of Sorabelle.com teamed up with Cosmopolitan to give us a breakdown on her 8-step morning routine and how it can give us that enviable, healthy glow we are looking for.

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Dealing with Pre-Procedure Anxiety

Dealing with Pre-Procedure Anxiety

Theodore Roosevelt once said that the “only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Well, that’s great for Teddy but we’re pretty sure he was never on the other end of a Botox needle! The truth is that medical procedures can be intimidating, especially when you’re unprepared or unfamiliar with the process.

If you’re one of those people, you should know that there are things you can do to ease your stress and change your perspective towards the whole experience.

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Size isn't Everything.. When it Comes to Dermal Fillers

Size isn't Everything.. When it Comes to Dermal Fillers

Believe it or not, ‘plump’ lips are not the main reason why people get injections, although it’s certainly a benefit. Most of our clients actually don’t want large lips at all. You’ll find that shape is actually more important than size. To understand why, let’s take a look at what makes your lips look old.

If you hear the words ‘lip injections’ and think ‘duck lips’, you’re not alone. All it takes is seeing one bad over-the-top lip job on reality TV for people to swear off injectables for life. But trust me when I say you have seen a lot more ‘done’ lips than you realize – because when they’re done well lip fillers appear totally natural, and of course, totally beautiful.

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The Triniti: Every Celeb’s "No Knife" Solution to Aging

The Triniti: Every Celeb’s "No Knife" Solution to Aging

For the few that don’t suffer from skin discoloration of any type, lucky you! For the rest of us that struggle with dark spots? You already know it’s a constant uphill battle of trying to lighten them or cover them up until they’re camouflaged.

Like most skin concerns, the sun is the #1 bad guy when it comes to dark spots. But hormones, acne, inflammation and damage are other culprits.

So, we know what causes dark spots. Now how do you get rid of them? The answer for most of us is good home care and regular IPL laser treatments. Want to know more? Here are some of the questions our clients ask the most when it comes to banishing dark spots once and for all.

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Am I a CoolSculpting Candidate?

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You’ve heard about CoolSculpting, a non-surgical way to get rid of unwanted, excess fat from certain areas of the body. It’s a great choice for treating the abdomen, hips or thighs. But CoolSculpting isn’t always the right choice for everyone. Some people make better candidates for the procedure than others. If you’re interested in CoolSculpting, here are a few signs that it might be the right option for you.

You’re Near Your Target Weight

Although CoolSculpting does get rid of fat, it’s not meant to be a treatment to help people lose a lot of weight. Usually, people lose up to 25 percent of the unwanted fat from the treated area. Scheduling multiple treatments can help you lose a bit more fat. But CoolSculpting alone won’t help you drop 20, 30 or even more pounds.

If you are thinking about CoolSculpting but still have a bit of weight to lose, it helps to discuss your weight loss goals with a doctor. He can help you put together a plan that will help you reach your target weight.

You’re Tired of Looking At Stubborn Fat

Fat can be a tricky thing. You might be at a healthy weight but still have pockets or deposits of fat on certain areas of the body.

No matter how much you work out or how many salads you eat, that fat isn’t going anywhere, fast. For many people with stubborn, unwanted fat, CoolSculpting is the ideal solution as it permanently removes that fat without the need for surgery.

You’re Generally Healthy

Although CoolSculpting isn’t surgery and typically has fewer risks and a much shorter recovery time than surgery, it is still a medical procedure and is typically recommended for people who are in good overall health. There is some risk for side effects after the procedure, such as nerve pain and bruising. The healthier you are, the less likely you will be to experience side effects. Let your CoolSculpting practitioner know about any chronic conditions you have or about any other health-related concerns.

You’re Not Pregnant or Thinking About Pregnancy

CoolSculpting probably isn’t the best idea when you’re pregnant. While studies haven’t been done to look at the effect CoolSculpting might have on a fetus or on a pregnancy, scheduling CoolSculpting during the nine months of pregnancy might not make sense. Pregnancy changes your body in many ways. You might end up with additional fat deposits on the abdomen after the pregnancy or you might gain weight during those nine months, meaning that the results you might have seen from CoolSculpting aren’t going to be visible.

If you’re not currently pregnant but considering it in the future, it can be worth postponing any CoolSculpting treatments until after you’ve had your kids. Since you can’t really predict how pregnancy will change your body, there is the possibility that you could develop additional or new fat deposits during or after it, which means it can make sense to wait until you’re finished have children to have any sort of body contouring treatment.

You’ve Got Enough Fat to Treat

CoolSculpting freezes fat. For it to work effectively, you need to have enough fat. One general rule of thumb is that you have enough fat if you’re able to grab and pinch an inch.

Some people do have trouble with the traditional suction applicators, even if they have an adequate amount of fat. If that’s the case with you, your CoolSculpting practitioner might recommend using the flat, smooth applicator to treat you.

You’re Not Interested in Liposuction

CoolSculpting can be a great alternative to liposuction for some people. If you’ve discussed liposuction with your plastic surgeon but ultimately ruled it out, CoolSculpting might be right for you. The recovery time is shorter so you won’t need to take a considerable amount of time off from work. There’s also no need for anesthesia during CoolSculpting and the treatment is completely non-invasive, which can make it a more appealing option for people who want to avoid surgery.

You Understand How the Treatment Works

It’s important to understand how the CoolSculpting process works, what you can expect in terms of results, what the recovery time is like, and what, if any, side effects you might experience. The person performing CoolSculpting will explain the process to you and make sure you really understand what’s involved.

That’s why it’s important to schedule a consultation before your procedure. The consultation gives you a chance to ask questions about CoolSculpting and to learn all about it.